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October 17, 2022
506 Comment

ViTPR is honored to be the Bronze sponsor of the Talent Encouraging Scholarship Fund for IT students.


On the morning of November 25, Thua Thien Hue Information technology, Electronics and Telecommunication Association (HUE-IEA) held an activity to award Talent Encouraging Scholarship to 35 IT students in Thua Thien Hue province in the academic year 2021-2022. Representatives leaders of 7 universities and colleges in the province attended and received scholarships at the ceremony.

The Talent Encomuraging Scholarship includes 30 scholarships in cash (3 million VND/each) and and 5 academic scholarships to improve qualifications in the field of IT at professional training institutions in Hue.

This activity is organized to encourage and timely motivate IT students with Excellent/Good academic records who are studying at universities and colleges in Thua Thien Hue province. 

Wishing all students will try their best to study and contribute to improving the quality of IT personnel in Hue.




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